Italian Buying Office
... dal 1978...

Costruzione e riparazione strumenti ad arco
Design, manufacture and repair of acoustic string musical instruments.

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ItalianBuying Office
... Since 1978...
Export Office addressed to wholesalers,
importers, chain stores, Department stores.

Our Services
Our Office offers the following services for every need.
How we work
We follow the customer's request, the course of the order and production, until successful shipment. We Keep the customer informed by e-mail, telephone and fax.
  • We receive the customer on arrival
  • If requested, we handle hotel bookings
  • We schedule on-site visits to producers/manufacturers
  • We follow the customer during the execution of orders and their finalization
  • If necessary, send any samples
  • We manage forms of payment by sending copies of invoicea and packing-list
Why choose us?
Our company is connected with the leading small and medium enterprises of the Tuscan area, which through our office can emerge and make their products known. We select only products of quality and reliable companies, looking for the tradition and creativity of Italian craftsmen.

Di Bari family has always been synonymous with quality tailoring, from the beginning. This ancient tradition, handed down from father to son, has allowed our company to be absolutely one of the best companies in the Florentine and Tuscan area.
Tel./Fax.  +39.055.2320130
Cell.  +39.335.6171008
Fax. +39.055.2320337
Via Beata Angela 14
50124 Firenze

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